'Pinnacle, A model of RastafarI Sovereignty'
Welcome to our Three Part Series Presenting an Introspective View into the Founding Father of RastafarI, Leonard Percival Howell. His Benevolent, Right and Excellent Example of Self Determination towards Sovereignty and Sustainability has influenced many throughout the planet. This honorable work has now become the foundation on which generations can rebuild our Kingdoms.
Part 1 of our series presents Monty Howell, his eldest of children give an account of his father. We will focus on his noble principles and vision of spirituality, integrity, loyalty, structure and perseverance in the face of blatant suppression from foreign and local elements. This attack against the 'Gong' (as he was affectionately called) was all sanctioned by Imperial and Colonial systems. Presented will be an overview of Monty Howell's account of his experience of Pinnacle and the 1st RastafarI Community, Sovereign and Sustainable!
Represented will be Ras Miguel Lorne and Dr. Michael Barnett who have done exceptional works in promoting and educating on the life and work of Leonard P. Howell. Our benevolent Sisters, Fan'aye Sunlight Selassie Sunlight and Dr. Imani TafarI Ama will be our hosts respectively for this wonderful event!
We will continue to advocate for the recognition and honor Leonard P. Howell deserves and honor all those who have continued his work. RastafarI Lives as the seeds have spread four corners of this earth and taken root to bear fruit in this time.
- Omari Sankofa
Leonard Percival Howell was born in the Parish of Clarendon, Jamaica. W.I. On June 16th, 1898. Howell became the most successful teacher of Rastafari way of life.
“I am convinced that the children we are teaching today, will become vanguards and guardians to our freedom tomorrow and better citizens to defend our democracy and to ensure that generations to come will learn from the Holocaust of slavery, and keep the flame of remembrance burning. Help them to understand more about the past, that our history NEVER repeats itself so that we can create a better future for all human race.”